The 88th Warriors' Day Parade
August 22, 2009
Celebrating the Cadet Instructors Cadre Centennial


The 2009 Warriors' Day Parade was dedicated to the Centennial of the Cadet Instructors Cadre (CIC).

Today more than 7500 CIC officers supervise 59,000 cadets in 1,156 corps and squadrons across Canada. The CIC is one of the most diversified and active components of the Canadian Forces whose goal is to ensure that cadets benefit from the best training possible and that they develop their skills to the fullest. The Warriors' Day Parade was proud to mark this significant anniversary.

Once again, weather on parade day cooperated fully, no rain and very pleasant temperatures. More than 2,700 marchers participated, a significant increase from last year! With the addition of more military vehicles and MG sports cars we were able to provide rides for a large number of Veterans in order that they could participate again this year.Thank you to everyone, those who marched, those who watched and cheered and the many volunteers who made it all possible!

This year our Reviewing Officer was Rear-Admiral Nigel S. Greenwood, OMM, CD Assistant Chief of The Maritime Staff

Photos of the 2009 Parade & Awards Banquet

View the 2009 Competition Results

Be sure to see our extensive trophies and awards pages.


(To view a pdf version of our 2009 poster shown above simply click on the poster.)